
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Christianity Cove:100 Simple Service Projects & T'ween a Rock and a Hard Place ~ A SchoolHouse Review

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  If you have followed me for very long, or even read several of my blog posts, you know that we are involved in serving!!  I put in several hours a month with several organizations.  Recently, due to scouting, the kiddos have started giving back to the community in some way or another and they seem to enjoy it.

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Christianity Cove has an ebook called Teach Kids to Serve: 100 Simple Service Projects.  I was pretty excited to be able to review this! I am always looking for different ideas for the kiddos to participate in or a new way to help out.  Simple, short ebook that has 5 different chapters, explaining that service starts at home and trickles outward from there. My favorite chapter was the one dealing with the community, because it was the one that had the most ideas that we could work with. There were a few ideas on there that we had tried, or have done and then there were several new ideas that the kiddos seemed to be excited about looking into around here!  You can find 100 Simple Service Projects as a download for $19.95

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I also got another ebook called Tween Ministry: The Do's and Don'ts of 9-12 Year Olds. I did read through this, but it was set up as a classroom, small group type lesson plans and I don't really have access to a younger group like that. I did feel it was a little young for Samantha, but there were 12  good weekly lessons, they had class activities, discussion and small group projects - sounded fun, and I will hang on to this - because those little ones at our church will grow up someday and it may come in handy.  This ebook is available for $29.

Want to see what others have to say?  Check out the link...


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