
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mission of the Month

Mission of the Month
OK, instead of New Year Resolutions, which are always a fail, I have written down some goals for the year.  Most of them are things that I need to get done.  And most of them are a continuous, ongoing project, that even if I get it *complete*- it will not go away - it keeps regenerating itself!  There are other items that are so huge to me that it will be a long term to do list!  I will be breaking these long terms into bite size pieces to get a handle on them!  

This is my first time to tackle the Mission of the Month, but I think I am going to like it... I like having things broken down where I can manage them. And I love the accountability when I put it all out that this needs to get done!

Read Bible through in a year - using the OwnIt365 plan on my Bible app.
Work on 100 Verses Everyone Should Memorize (with my kiddos)
Working on my weight and health using my Lose It app

Get our lesson plans written out, at least through January, but hoping through the end of March.
Get Class Day lessons figured out & planned

All traces of Christmas gone!
Work on keeping dining room table cleaned off
Clean out pantry & start invenory list
Encourage the kiddos in their daily chores

Girl Scouts: 
Deal with Cookie Stuff- plan training meeting, sell!, collect orders and get them entered into system, plan cookie booths

(little stuff for free time):
Sew patches on Samantha's GS vest
Type up and print out favorite recipes for our family book (has been a work in progress for a year)
Organize photos on computer
Organize files on computer
Back up (organized) files onto hard drive
List items for sale in HS group

Huge items 
(in bite size pieces):
School Room/Office - clean off computer desk, keeping table clean in the process!
My clothes - clean out 2 of my drawers

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