
Monday, June 27, 2011

TOS Scavenger Hunt Where's Edna?

My blog is participating in the TOS Where's Edna? Scavenger Hunt!  This is for Crewbies, as well as my other readers!!

All my Crewbie followers kinda know what's going on, but for the rest of my readers, here's a little bit about it!

HERE! is where you need to start off!  It is a list of blog links of all the Crew Members who have an Edna tag hidden on their blog (this is a picture of what you are looking for, but it will have a keyword underneath it - I have another with the key word hidden somewhere amongst my pages!).  

  • Visit these blogs, find Edna and take note of the different key word from each blog!
  • After you have visited all of the blogs, found the key words, head back to that link and fill it in.  Don't forget to leave your contact information!
  • Winner will be chosen randomly from everyone who correctly enters the information!
Crew members - works the same way, just be sure to get your list from the forum and use the links that are provided for you from there!  Enjoy ~ 

--now I'm off to find where all that silly Edna is hiding out--


  1. I love Edna!

    Following from the Crew

  2. Thanks for hosting Edna! I’m now following you :)
    ~ Nanette

  3. Hi. I came to visit you and find Edna. Thanks for having her. Enjoyed visiting.

    Started following you.



Thanks for stopping by ~ and a bigger thanks for leaving me a message!