
Friday, June 24, 2011

(friday) favorite THINGS @ Finding Joy

friday favorite things | finding joy

So, this is my first week participating in (friday) Favorite Things & I like where she is going with this, being able to share the things that have really stood out to us this week!  Here goes my first attempt at this!

Seeing as how Riley was gone all last week to Boy Scout Camp, my favorite thing this week has been having him home!  Sam has been gone all week, so we got some good one-on-one Momma/Son time!  Here are a few shots of him from last week (that I am super thankful his scout leaders took & shared!)


  1. Very neat meme! Your blog looks great!

  2. i've participated in friday favorites for a number of weeks now, and it is so fun! i'm sure you loved the one-on-one time with your son. family time is the best!

  3. You should be so proud!! Those pictures are fabulous -- it looks like he had a great time!

    Love the swimming shot. :)

    Thank you for linking up with friday favorites.

    looking forward to get to know you more while we journey on the TOS Crew.


Thanks for stopping by ~ and a bigger thanks for leaving me a message!