
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

~ Wednesday ~

Today has been a slow moving day.  I got up and put a roast in the crock pot, and between school work, i folded laundry.  We did get our school work done in a decent amount of time, so that was nice.

Rog came home from the station this morning - they are a bit worried that there may be an arsonist running around the city.  I talked to him last night at 10:00 and he was headed to bed.  When he got home this morning, he said they finally got to take a little bit of a nap around 5 am.  They got called out for a structure fire, at 10:30, and worked their tails off.  As they were loading up from that one, they got a call  on another one that was not to far down the road.  They were both empty houses, so that is weird... maybe total accident/fluke, but weird.

He came home from his second job, ate dinner and planned on going to bed, but we had some friends pop in, and as they were leaving, another friend stopped by, all of this after his mom left -she had eaten dinner with us.  Once he finally hot the bed, he was gone....

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