OK, we have all been to FLYLADY at one time or another, come admit it - you know you have. Even though she has some great ideas and there are some of her suggestion/ideas that I try to follow, the 9 million daily emails were really to much for me. I have her site marked in my faves folder, and I peek in there on occasion, but I just don't think I can fly -- not with her flight plan.
I have been working on my own, there are several blogs that have the Home Binders (Keeping the Home that I have marked below my friends list is my fave, and she has links to others). I have on in the process, and as soon as I get my cleaning routine (bleow) figured out and make sure it will work, I will post about my binder.
I have decided that I am joining Amy at DandelionSeeds when she starts the Clean Heart Clean Home Challenge again on July 2nd. Since it is 52 days, and we are starting 1st grade on August 7th, there will be a bit of overlapping, but for the most part, I should be done - all that will be left will be the kiddos rooms and outside. We don't have a garage, the storage shed is Rog's and I have already had one garage sale this year, so the timing should work out ok!
Since that should start me off with a clean house right at the beginning of the school year, and I think I have a cleaning schedule figured out that will work into our school schedule. (I am just trying to get my thoughts out here..this may change).
We are going to school 3 weeks on, 1 week off. During the 3 weeks on, I will have my list of 'up-keep' type chores that I will do on a 3 day rotating basis. The reason I have chosen a 3day rotate is because of the shift that Rog works. (Between his shift and homeschooling, we don't have normal M-F or S-S weeks around here). I am in the process of getting this on paper, kinda breaking my days up and evening them out. When I get it down, I will try to figure out how to put it here.
The week that we are 'off' from school will be my deep clean week. All the odd once a month type chores can be done then, during what would be 'school time' on our other 3 weeks.
OK, that is what I have for now. As I update/edit this post, I will change the date and move it back to the top.
She has a lot of great ideas, but as a christian whose entire life is spent taking up my cross and following Him (Jesus), and the verse that talks about the first being last and the last first, and wanting to be the best leader, like Jesus was, a servant of all...I had a difficult time with her acronym: finally loving yourself....Jesus loves me a way lot more than I love me and he knows better....That's why I was so tickeled to see you had found Dandelion Seeds. She does a great job. Hang in there. Nice to "meet" you.