
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Guess what is happening??

OK, the tons of caterpillars that my daughter brought home (you know - the ones I thought would die) well, they are forming their chrysallis!!!!  She found 1 yesterday morning, and I thought that it was probably the green prickly one, but this afternoon, I peeked in and there are others starting to form.  We looked them up this afternoon and she has Eastern Tent Caterpillars that turn to moths - she was a bit disappointed that they were going to be moths instead of butterflies!  We will just have to see!!  I am not sure what kind or what happened to the green prickly may still be the one that turned first!!

We will keep you updated on the progress!!!

Leah~ yes!  she found a ton of them!! They were at my grandpas house and he has a bunch of trees that they were in and around. Like I said - they are just going to be moths, so nothing special!!

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