
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Schedule/Routine Part 2!

Ok, you saw how the kiddos chore schedule works, so here is how everything will fit into our day.

Wake up
Individual room chores
List A/B chores
Schooltime/ free play
List A/B chores
Individual chores
Quiet time
Free play/ TV time
List A/B chores
Free time
Individual chores

I have my lists as well --
Morning Room chores:
Make bed
Pick up room
Daily grooming
Make sure our bath is clean
Other Dailies ( I have a flylady type notebook)

A/B list time:
Start a load of laundry
Help with breakfast
Oversee feeding of pets
Weeklies (from notebook - have sectioned into days)

School work: (for now)
Morning Message together - calendar, weather, pledge, Awana verse, and Bible story.
Phonics - together - we started Phonics Factory last week.
Writing - they usually write the date, weather, and/or their Awana verse, but we need to work on TY notes, so that will take up writing this week.
Math - independantly - at their own pace - at least 2 pages from MathUSee.
Social Studies - together -- I have been kinda stumped in this area, we have been talking about maps lately, since they were preparing for their Disney trip.
Science - together -- usually some silly experiment that they get a kick out of.
Art - They ususally have free choice with art time, every once in a while we will have something specific to do.
After Art, they have free time until lunch.  I read to them while they eat - from whatever chapter book we are reading.  About to start Because of Winn Dixie.

While they have quiet time, I do as well.  It is my time to get on the computer, read, or watch TV.  If by chance they both fall asleep, thenI will go lay down for a bit.

While they have afternoon freetime, I do the monthly chores from my flylady type notebook. Maybe have a bit more freetime, then start dinner prep.

Now, while all that looks good on paper, seeing it in action is another story.  FOr the most part -- most days we accomplish what we set out to, but it never seems to go as smoothly as the paper looks.

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