
Monday, March 27, 2006

Normal/Boring Day...

Not much going on here... I thought the kiddos would be so exhausted that they would be sleeping in and taking naps...yeah right.  They have been up early, not taking naps, staying up late.......that's day it will catch them.......then I will sleep in as well.

We started the new A/B chore system today, and all went well. We shall see if it continues.

Ok, here is what I am looking at for 1st grade fall 2006:
We are going year round and I have their 1st grade year split into 5 terms all 8 weeks with 2 weeks off in between (except the end of the year then it is 3/4 weeks off).

*Phonics/Spelling  - Alphabet Island
*Writing - Maybe AI as well....gotta see what all it includes - and AWANA verses
*Math - MathUSee -Alpha
*Science - Semi following the Well Trained Mind and we will be doing one of these each term - Human Body, Insects and birds, Mammals, Plants and Underwater life
*Social Studies - We are semi following the Well Trained Mind with this as well.I like the 4 year rotation approach to history, so that is whyI have chosen to go that route, we will spend this year on Creation and the ancients - starting a timeline notebook.
I bought the Kingfisher World History Encyclopedia and we are going to take it from the beginning and go page by page each week.  I have it sectioned off on how to cover it over then next 4 years.

If anyone has any comments -good or bad - about my choices, please feel free to let me know!!

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