
Monday, January 2, 2006

Lazy day

We accomplished nothing here today. With New Year's Eve being this past weekend, we were all tired.  New Year's Eve is my birthday and we always have a get together at my mom's house to ring in the new year, nothing more than games and snackin, but it is always fun!  We also have a tradition that dad cooks a big breakfast at midnight and we always eat a big breakfast before we go home.  This year, the kiddos were old enough to stay up with us and it caught up with them so they slept until 11:00 am today and then pplayed outside because we are having weird weather here and it was 68* here and lovely outside!  After dinner the kiddos played play-do for a while and I goofed on the computer!  So, there was our lazy day!

We will start some schooling back up on Thursday, after we go to the library on Wednesday so we can find some dinosaur books.  I had planned on studying winter weather this next few weeks, but...with spring temps here, I just can't bring myself to jump into it.

I called this morning and I have a doctor appointment Tuesday afternoon, so we shall see where that goes!!

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