
Saturday, August 20, 2005


e got up early this morning and hit some yard sales -- my mil, me and the kiddos (Sam, Ry and Chunks, my nephew - that we keep, but that is a whole nother entry!) and I found some pretty OK toy deals....they were thinks that were self contained....I like those kind!!!  They are great for when we go somewhere (over night) the kids can take them and not have to drag everything they own.  They are pretty good about keep things that go together that way!!!  We then stopped at McD's for some was to hot to keep going, it was 97 when we headed home at 11:45 this morning, 100 at 7:00 pm....whooo to hot for me!!!  They all dropped me off; the kiddos are spending the night at grammas, and Rog is at the station, sooooo.. I cleaned!!!  Yes, the cleaning that I was going to do on happened tonight...deep clean...moved furniture, dusted, scrubbed the tub, and oven!!!  I feel so free!!!! LOL!!!!  We need to go to church in the morning after Rog gets home, but if he comes home and crawls back in bed and theere are no kiddos to wake probably won't happen.

Well, I have been cleaning and still need to go finish up a few things...laundry put away and reload the dishwasher, so I am off of here. Good night ladies!


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