
Monday, July 25, 2005

Getting ready for Kindergaten

Summer has been so crazy, and I have not really enjoyed that.  Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed everything we have done...the camping trips, the mini get away vacations, the lazing around the house on Sunday afternoons.....I have enjoyed every bit of it, but all of our going have really taken its toll on  me.  I am feeling over tired, and I have for the past couple of weeks.

That is all about to change... I have made a few changes in my routine.....I will mo longer be going to Curves...been going for 8 months, and no major changes; I have been takin my gramma to water aerobics, and my mom is going to start doing that.  I think with me staying home from these 2 activities will help alot....not to mention saving us some big bucks....from fees and gas money...

We are going to 'school' (in quotes because I am using that term loosly) for 4 days...MTTF, and have Wed as library (they can still go to story time) and errands day.  I did this last year, but with speech classes on Mon, so we still got out a few times a week. Not this year!!!  The only other thing we may possibly so will be co-op, if we rejoin that group. It was a Tuesday afternoon class last year, which ....I don't know, still thinking about it......

We are officially starting school on Monday, August 1st.  I have been working on lesson plans, and have several weeks in pencil....My plans are to school year round, so we can take off when we want to.  There are no kids (that I would let my 2 play with anyway) in the neighborhood, so we won't have to deal with that for now. I know we have a vacation coming up in October, a yearly anniversary trip, so we will be able to chill for that week.  Public school starts on FRIDAY, the 19th of crazy is that...Friday??? for a first day of school???  

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