Since Samantha joined Girl Scouts in Kindergarten, Riley had a rough year, waiting to join Boy Scouts. In his first grade year, he became a Tiger. Fortunately, we had a great dad step up to be their leader. I wasn't as involved as a active volunteer while he was a Cub - I was a registered Scout, and I helped out everywhere I was needed. Riley really enjoyed Cub Scouts. He was very active in the troop, we used the books for school work and was able to complete his requirements fairly easy. He earned several arrow tips, and many belt loops and pins.
I have to admit, I am still not sure how the belt loops and pins work. I never saw the requirements, but someone knew what they were and that he was earning them! Being a Boy Scout is more easily explained to me ~ and it was pretty confusing in the beginning!
One of the great things, our Scout Pack was very open to Samantha being there and being involved. She got to do almost everything Riley did and truly enjoyed it. Girl Scouts are not as welcoming to siblings. However, I did allow him to do some of the things with the girls. One of his favorite activities is doing the Cardboard Boat Race.
When Riley moved onto Boy Scouts, I remained an active mom, and was there as needed. There were tons of dads that were involved, so I wasn't as needed for this level. I did step up and became secretary on the committee and was responsible for flyers, newsletters, phone rosters and other computer things that were needed. As the years, have passed I have stepped up to do more- more on that later this week!
Like Girl Scouts, we used his Cub Scout works for school work and we definitely use his Boy Scout work for school credit. He is a Star Scout, made this rank the day before his 13th birthday and is working hard towards his Life Scout rank. Merit Badge work has been tough during the summer, but it's easy to work into our school work!!
If you have hopped here during the Crew Blog Hop, here is the link to hop back and read more! Thanks for visiting and come back for more about scouts - I will be talking about Boy Scouts tomorrow!! And I am also open to answering any questions about scouting!
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