
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Girl Scout Annual Meeting

I spent the weekend at the Girl Scout Diamonds Annual Meeting.  They have combined the Annual Meeting, the Service Team Conference and the Adult Awards Recognitions and made it where all would attend ALL of the components of the adult Girl Scouts.

Friday night they served us a small dinner and then we had a game time that was a blast!  We all laughed so much!! 

My last class for the night was called 'Social Security'.  The lady who lead this class was very informed on internet safety and gave us a few pointers about keeping an eye on the things your kiddos do. She directed us to the Homeland Security website and the page Stop. Think. Connect. (I haven't had a chance to really check it out).   She also told us about Digital Citizenship. (I haven't looked at this one either).  She told us that Google has a kids search engine- that is set up for kid safety.  Another thing she mentioned to watch was to make sure that any site you were on has the S.  httpS means that the website is secure.  Shouldn't let any kiddos play on sites that do not have the S.  Another website she mentioned was called C-SAVE - when I searched it, I came up with a site called Stay Safe.  

Saturday started off nice and early with Sing & Play.  I knew I wouldn't have the energy for the leader of that class... but I went anyways... and I was right!  (just for the record - Christianna is one of my favorite people in the world!).   The Award Ceremony was nice - a few tears were shed because our CEO has retired.  We, North Hills Service Unit, had 6 people receive an award or recognitions during the ceremony!!  So proud of NHSU!!

My last classes for the weekend were team building and communication... The presenters were pretty funny. We did a few exercises as a team and some to show how important communication is when you are working as a team.

Long Girl Scout weekend, but it was a great time and it was refreshing -- I am ready to get my girls back going!!

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