
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Winter Jam 2013~ in tha rain!!

Last year, we got in line around 2:30 for Winter Jam... and we were literally at the very top row of the top section.  This year, we left earlier - in the rain - and went to the arena.  We sat in the car for a while, but when people started trickling in, we decided to go ahead and go get in line.  It was sprinkling rain on and off, but that didn't bother anyone that was in line. We all had ponchos on.  We were REALLY CLOSE to being up under the awning - and probably would have been had we got out of the car when we got there.  We stood in line from about 1:45 until they opened the doors at 4:45.  

 However, we got pretty good seats!!

Riley's Boy Scout troop ended up in front of us. It was actually the youth group from that church, but all of them but like 2 were part of his troop - so he moved down and sat with them during the concert.  

I got to sit with Sam and Em!!
Great concert... I truly enjoyed it, and I know my arms and my voice are going to pay for it!

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