Join the online Bible study (2/4 - 4/8) with Sue Edwards! And invite your friends to join you.
Sue will be posting weekly on the Year of Discovery Facebook Page and interacting with groups and individuals around the country going through the study at the same time. Women will be able to discuss the study with each other and ask questions via Facebook. Once readers complete the Revelation study, Edwards will be going through the Ephesians study in the same way. (An April 11 Facebook launch party will be followed by an April 15 – June 17 online study.)
Completing each lesson requires about one-and-a-half hours. Readers still receive in-depth Bible study but with a minimum time commitment. For those who desire a more thorough study, including an opportunity to learn more about the history, culture and geography related to the Bible, Edwards has provided “Digging Deeper” questions. Answering these questions may require outside resources such as an atlas, Bible dictionary or concordance and challenge readers to examine complex theological issues and differing views more closely.
More about the Revelation study: Edwards and Kregel are especially excited about the new Revelation study that has been added to the series. “I have focused on five special chapters—the first three and the last two—passages that I believe are most pertinent for Christians today,” writes Edwards. “I find a thorough investigation of these five chapters the most beneficial as we consider how God wants us to prepare for the end.” “The first three chapters paint a glorious picture of the resurrected Christ and record his seven letters to first-century churches. These early churches represent the different kinds of churches that have existed through the ages. The letters both commend and point out deficiencies in these churches, providing lessons to help us get ready for our future,” Edwards continues. “The last two chapters unfold with unspeakable energy, beauty and promise, as John describes what Jesus shows him: a new Eden, redemption’s climax and our eternal home. Walk with me through these incredible pages, and experience the blessing that God promised to all who read and heed.”
Purchase a copy of Revelation and join the on-line Bible study today.
If you join the Revelation Bible Study - add this button to your blog: (just copy the code and paste it into a blog post or your blog sidebar)
Suggested title: "Revelation" Online Bible Study - JOIN ME!
Suggested title: "Revelation" Online Bible Study - JOIN ME!
<center></b><a href=""> <img alt="Kregel Sue Edwards Revelation Bible study" src="" height="200" width="200" /> </a></center>
This study offers a tiered step of study, so you can get into it as deep as you would like, or spend minimal time on the study and still get in-depth study. I have been going through this Bible Study with the kiddos, so we have been working through the easiest step, answering only the direct questions in each lesson, and not going through the digging deeper notes in the margin. I think the kiddos are getting a little out of the study, and I know I am. In fact, once I complete the Ephesians study, I am going to come back and do this one again, and 'dig deeper'. One of the things the kiddos really liked about this study was, throughout, there were QR codes that they could scan and it would take them to a little video clip that went along with the lesson.
This was a nice study to do alone, well, with the kiddos, but I can see where you could really get into some good discussions if this were done in a group setting.
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