In my life this week… finally calmed down. March was crazy, so it was nice to have a fairly slow week!
In our homeschool this week… We played catch-up from our crazy month of March. We didn't get quite caught up, but we should this next week!
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… relax... We have not done a lot of book work lately, but I know they have been learning!
I am inspired by… the ladies who are part of TOS Homeschool Crew... reading their blogs has been very inspiring lately!
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… Testing was this week - all music lessons were canceled - next to last 4H meeting!
My favorite thing this week was… music lessons being canceled! Oh, and Riley's team won FIRST PLACE in the Spring Fling Tournament!
What’s working/not working for us… our chore system - it works, just needs a little tweaking for this season of life!
Questions/thoughts I have… will I be able to wrap my brain around TWO review products that we are working on
Things I’m working on… catching up on blog posts ~ actually, getting ahead on some of the meme's I participate in. Changing lesson plans to fit review products in.
I’m reading… Five Love Languages for Children
I’m cooking… Beef Stew, Stromboli and that's it for this week!
I’m grateful for… my kiddos and their good attitudes as we have worked hard this week!
I’m praying for… another quite week next week so we can be completely caught up!
I've been inspired by TOS Crew Members' blogs too! Lots of good stuff to read!