I have recently joined a group on facebook called Devotional for the Disorganized. It is a group that plans to work through Dandelionseeds Clean Heart, Clean Home devotional. In addition to the devotional, the moderators will be issuing weekly challenges. All of this will be starting on January 1st. She has actually issued us an early challenge to list our top 5 projects/goals for our heart and home for 2012. The challenge is for 5 total, but after some thought, I am going to list 5 each.
Personal Goals:
1. Daily Bible reading and quiet time
2. My health. Not just the weight issues, but focusing heavily on getting my Lupus under control
3. More fun and educational learning things with the kiddos
4. Once a month date night
5. Once a month family dates
Clean Home Goals:
1. Get my recipes organized in my new recipe binder
2. Office clean!
3. De-clutter throughout the entire house
4. Kiddos rooms re-arranged and in order
5. Get finances in order
So, there is a start on what my goals are for this next year. Are you feeling a little disorganized? Start by downloading the Devotional from Dandelion Seeds and if you want, join the group on Facebook~ it is a closed group, so email me if you want in and I will figure out how to get you in there!
We have family dates on our plan, too ... and I'm focusing on health as well. It seems like there are a lot of us with similar goals, and that has me so excited because I am anticipating finding lots of encouragement when I need it from others on this same journey!