
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Busy, yet successful Sunday

Church this morning...with my new nasal accessory... good message this morning.  Samantha and I came home and finished sorting cookies... we had some help from our BFF's and got all of our sorted, then all for the booth loaded and the girls made some posters for the booth.  We are going to enter it in a *bling your booth* contest.  We had five girls show up, and two other parents - I sent one of the moms and two of the girls down to the side of the road to advertise and the rest stayed at Gadwalls.  We did pretty good considering the location we were in!  Afterwards...dinner at mom and dad's... and some fun times!

I am up catching up on my blog, while I wait for THIS to mix in my bread machine, so I can swirl it up and put it in the  fridge!! After that... I am headed to BED!

1 comment:

  1. Stopped by to ck in with you! Good to read about your family and catch up!


Thanks for stopping by ~ and a bigger thanks for leaving me a message!