
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Routine Wednesday

Well, we are back to our normal routine now.  Took us a couple of days, but the kiddos are caught up on their sleep!
Samantha moved to a new book in her music lessons and is really starting to come along.  It was like an overnight thing...she is doing really well with it. I recommend her teacher to anyone here in the area who is looking for a piano teacher!
Riley is still loving guitar - he has a wonderful teacher that I would recommend to anyone as well!  Riley has learned many Christian songs and right now, Mike is working with him on I Will Rise by Chris Tomlin.  Samantha loves to sing that song, so before too long, I maybe doing some experimenting with my camera and the record button!  Mike has let Riley pull a mic in front of him and sing into it (he let Samantha join in as well), and he has also let Riley play on one of his electric guitars - He LOVED that! 
The rest of the day was spent on errands - been trying hard to watch my grocery bill - did great today- 3.3lb roast for half of original price - should bought two of them. And for some reason - I usually grab half gallons of milk because that is about all we go thru around here - well, a full gallon was only a few pennies more than the half, so as I was putting the half back, a yellow managers sticker caught my attention - I got a gallon of milk for 99 cents! BONUS! Not sure why or how- it was the only one in there - the sticker said it belonged on the milk- and it rang up the right way!  That helped!!
The kiddos and I all went to church - came home with an extra and they are all playing so well!  Rog is on his computer playing poker and I am uploading camping pics to FB and PB so I can share!

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