
Friday, March 20, 2009

Typical Thursday

Today was just another normal day.  It was chilly and rainy out, so we weren't able to go out to some friends and hang out with them.  The kiddos worked hard on their school work today.  We have been working on 2 digit multiplication, and it is kinda getting at Samantha.  Cursive is coming right along.  Riley has awesome hand writing - when he slows down and tries - and Samantha is much neater when she writes in cursive. 
After they were finished with school, and when public school let out, Goosey (my niece) came over to play with the kiddos for a while. They played outside and they played Wii. 
Rog borrowed my grandpa's boat from my uncle, so they spent some time making sure it was in running condition and clean.  I ran short on time for fixing dinner, so I had spaghetti sitting on the stove while we headed off to scouts!  While we were gone, Rog and Riley worked on the boat waiting us for to get home and have dinner.
Our Girl Scout meeting was a success!  We had lots of business issues that we were working on and we are in the process of making our way to Junior Scouts!
Dinner was yummy! I am off to watch one of the last ER's of ever!!

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