
Saturday, February 7, 2009

Friday ~ Game Day

The kiddos had plans this afternoon, so they got moving early and got what little bit they needed to do taken care of.  We left after lunch and went to a friends house for 'game day'.  A had set up several board games and the Wii at her house and invited our group over to play games.  The weather was nice out, so the children floated between the Wii and outside.  The moms got to sit around and was a nice afternoon. 
We stopped at the Florist and picked up the items our Girl Scout Troop needs for Fiji!  On the way home we grabbed a couple of pizza's and called Chelle and Em to come over.  The kiddos played on the Wii for a while, but we soon kicked them off - we had to take back over the Wii Fit board. Roger and Waldo had spent a couple nights this past week making sure they were running all the spots - we put a stop on some of those.
Chelle and Em couldn't stay late - we have a BIG day tomorrow!!

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