
Monday, December 22, 2008

Monday by the fire....

That was where I spent most of the day!  I got all of the laundry circulated thru and all of it put away.  We played a couple games - Battleship mainly.  The kiddos had a late lunch and Riley ended up grounded to his room for the next 6.5 years. Samantha helped me clean out and move our game shelf and some other pieces of furniture in the family room. We cleaned out quite a few games - and pitched them!  If they were missing pieces -they went missing as a whole!

Samantha ended up going to her gramma's, Riley is in his room still and I am headed to mine...from the fire to the electric blanket!  I am off to start a new book - it is a review coming soon, so I will share more later!  I will read until Roger gets home - he is working late!

1 comment:

  1. "Riley ended up grounded to his room for the next 6.5 years"


    Been there, done that, Christa! :D

    Hope y'all had a great Christmas..



Thanks for stopping by ~ and a bigger thanks for leaving me a message!