
Monday, June 4, 2007

Ok - here is the school room - before and afters....

Ok, here is my messy schoolroom...

Kids school table -before

Kids school table  -after -

Storage cabinet - before -

Storage cabinet - after -

Bookshelf -before -

Bookshelf - after -

(the white box is full of stuff I am planning on getting rid of - mostly preschool. Any ideas as to where I can sell it - eBay?)

The extra desk - that I keep school stuff in - before -

The extra desk -after -

There you have it - for the most part - our school room.  There is a computer desk that stays pretty clean (with the exception of a pile that needs to be filed) and another corner that has a three drawer shelf in it that was cleaned out a few weeks ago, so I didn't bother it.

What I did was switch the stuff from the bookshelf (mainly my stuff-that was in the open) with the stuff in the storgae cabinet (the stuff that the kiddos could use and play with- that was behind closed doors).  Not to mention I pitched tons of stuff - partialy colored in preschool workbooks, dried play-do, puzzles missing pieces.  I felt so much better after getting this job done.  Now we are ready for the next years school stuff to start rolling in!!

I have to add - the bottom right of the storage cabinet is designated my space for scrapbook stuff!!! WoooHooo!!!  I have a place to store it all now!!

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