
Monday, May 8, 2006

Major accomplishment this weekend!!

Riley learned to ride his bicycle with out training wheels!! He has been trying on and off, but not really been into it, and Friday afternoon at Gramma's house, they were taken off and he got on his bike and started riding. He rode for a bit Friday evening, Saturday morning (we had to go take family pictures) and then we went back to gramma's and he rode for a while Saturday evening. Sunday afternoon, we were at a birthday party and he got on Hayley's bike and started riding there.  He had been riding in the grass the entire weekend, so Sunday night, we were going to eat at my sisters house and we all rode bikes around there, his first time on the street.  We were all out front riding and he and another quite larger child across the street crashed pretty hard, but he got up and shook it off and continued on.  I am so proud of him!!  This is a major accomplishment for him! He tends to be my scaredy cat!!

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