
Monday, July 1, 2013

Up for a challenge?


Well... call me crazy, but I am going to give it a try... again!  

I have been blogging since the kiddos started Kindergarten in 2005.  My blog is basically a way to keep up with what we are doing - a personal journal of sorts.  Well, that is the MAIN purpose of my blog.  I like having something to look back on when I finally get a few minutes to pull out the scrapbook stuff - it helps jog my memories!  And, I like having the record available for family and friends to read.  Recently, I have been doing a little more promoting of my blog because I am part of the TOS SchoolHouse Review Crew.  The more folks that see my blog, the more folks that see the products and the more happier the vendors are!  When there are happ vendors, there are great goodies in the mail!  

So, since I am working on promoting for the Crew, I thought I would give it a try.  I can already see a difference just by one small move I have made within the challenge!  Curious to see where things are at the end of the month!!

Are you up for the challenge? Head over to the UBC page and check things out!!


  1. I'm so excited to see more Crew members taking the challenge! This will be my first one!

  2. You'll be glad you are blogging away then, this will be fun to look back on when successfully complete the challenge and get a month's worth of super entries. Have fun!


Thanks for stopping by ~ and a bigger thanks for leaving me a message!