
Thursday, May 23, 2013

Simplified Pantry & Paperless Home Organization: SchoolHouse Crew Review

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When I first downloaded the Paperless Home Organization ebook from Simplified Pantry, I skimmed over it just to see what some of the ideas were, but none of them really clicked with me.  Then, one Friday afternoon, as I was weeding through my calendar, stacks of papers & notebook of To-Do lists, I thought I would take a deeper look and see what all was really  in the book.  Oh. My. Word!  I am HOOKED!!!  She has three simple sites/apps that she talks about using and how to set them up and make them work together.  I don't use the email she uses, so I skipped over that section - mainly because I am happy with my email choice.  Same thing for the calendar - the calendar we use works for us,- and it is Internet based, which is the end result we are looking for here.  

My main reason to get into this was the piles of paper, lists of things I need to do, notes I have stuck here and there - I wanted some way to stream-line them!!  This ebook covers this goal for me & so far, the results are good ~ hoping to keep things this way! 

Once she shared the email/calendar section, she shares with us a To-Do list site/app.  While reading this, I pulled out my phone and opened up the website and walked my way through the set-up.  I was excited to see how to get my lists in there, but waited until after I read the notebook section (or the "meat") of her plans.  I didn't want to make double work for myself - I mean, after all, isn't less work what I am going for here?  

After reading through, and setting up the notebook portion of the book - yes, I sat and read it all in one sitting - I decided I needed to clean up the days' school work and let all the information sink in and process.  Once I got my chores and things done for the afternoon/evening, I came back to the programs and started making them mine.  First thing I did was take notes for this blog post in the notebook & add it to my to do list with the due date!!

I did do some tweaking & made this program - well, her ideas really - and made them work for me.  Basically, I pitched the to-do list that she suggested. Mainly, because the calendar we use (that I really like) has a calendar, shopping and to-do list.  I had used the lists in the past, so in order to keep things simple, I went back to using my previous app.  I think the main idea & goal is paperless organization - I don't know that it mattered what app or program is used.  I know that the ebook inspired me and I have been in the process of streamlining all of my paperwork!

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Once I processed all of this information, I went on to the Simplified Dinner ebook.  It was also a very easy read.  It was very short, and I really like the way she had her meal process organized. I want to do this, and I plan to do this, but I need some time to sit down and think - to make it work for us!  The overall idea and concept is amazing- I just need the time to actually put it together for my family.  *There is also a Simplified Dinners-Gluten Free/Dairy Free available (I peeked at it, but we arent' GF, so I didn't spend much time with it).

On a side note, I had a bit of issue with downloading my products and had to email for help. Customer Service was wonderful!  The responses were quick and helpful and got me set up and ready to go!

Both of these ebooks are very affordable and a great reference to have on hand.  Paperless Home Organization is available for $3.99 and Simplified Dinners is available for $12.99

I am eager to see if the others on this review were as pleased with the books and ideas as I was!  Why don't you go check them out also!!


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