
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Camping trip 2011 - Thursday

Well, time for us to load up and go home today... the kiddos and I anyways!  Riley has his final ballgame tonight, so we are headed home to go to the game.  For the most part, the morning was non-eventful.  Chelle and I stayed at the camper and packed up things getting us ready to go - the rest of them headed back down to the cold hole again.  (pictures to follow again). We got things up and ready to go, then she crashed on the couch and I headed out to the docked boat with my bible.  

Feeling pretty good about where I am in my reading ahead with the study.  Now I am trying to formulate emails in my head without losing them - something I cannot do on my phone - save an email draft!
We packed the kiddos up some lunch and then loaded them up and we headed out - Ry slept most of the way home (which was a good thing), but the girls played DS games.  We were home long enough to jump through the shower and get ready to head to the ball game - mom and Em came over and went with us.

They lost their final game - 10-6 - however, Riley made two of those 6 runs! It was HOT and I was glad it was over!!  They placed 3rd in their age division! Go WHITE SOX!!

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