
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Just another day...

The kiddos worked hard on their Thursday school work today!  We headed out to do errands and Samantha took her notebook to work on her schoolwork.  We got quite a few errands done ~ we ran by the animal shelter, where my girl scouts are wanting to volunteer, so I could speak with someone about that.  We ran by the Girl Scout office and picked up a few copies of the latest newsletter - that my crew was pictured in!.  Since it was just Samantha and Riley, and no extras today, we ate lunch at Gadwalls!  YUM! 
Samantha didn't have piano this week, so we went on to guitar lessons for Riley.  Riley's lessons started out with some songs. He can play Amazing Grace, Our God is an Awesome God, Jesus Loves the Little Children, Do Lord and I'm a Believer (no, not a church song~ a Monkeys song, or as my kiddos say - a Shrek song).  Today's lesson turned more to music theory than playing and fun, and Riley seemed to catch right on!  He is learning more about where notes are and not just 'play the 4Th string'. After music lessons ~ we made our normal stop for some groceries and then the kiddos asked if we could stop and rent a game.  They still have birthday money and they agreed to pay for it.  Samantha came out with Bolt for Wii and Beverly Hills Chihuahua and Riley chose Emergency Heroes for Wii. 
Rog was home from work in time to take the kiddos to church, and then was heading to get us a pizza (neither of us were up to normal date night) he got called out with the fire department, so I read, alone, until time to go to church.  We finished up our study on Solomon tonight.  It has been a great lesson, and this last one was the best.  We studied Ephesians 6, putting on your armor.  We discussed that we needed to be suited up every day in order to go out into the world and all of the yuck that is out there.  There are two ladies in the study that work with atheist and that sprouted much discussion about how they need to wear their armor, but at the same time, let that light shine.  One lady brought up something that she had said to a nonbeliever at one time and I really liked it, I hope if I am every faced with the situation where I need to say it, I can.  She told the nonbeliever that if she was wrong in believing, there was no loss, but if he were wrong in not believing, he was in trouble.
Samantha brought a friend home tonight and she will stay with us tomorrow.  That was the reason Samantha worked so hard on her work this morning!  The girls are starting the movie she rented, Riley is watching Robots and I am off to bed to read!

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